Nove is my second daughter; Katlin is my oldest. Katlin has since moved away from home and we all miss her greatly. She helped raise her baby sister as much as any of the adults.

If you are here reading this page, you probably need guidance and have a million questions about yourself or your kids. I’ll do my best to share my experiences of raising November through her autism and coexisting diagnoses.

Why should you be interested in what I have to say? Maybe because I’ve been at it for a while now. Maybe because I won’t hold back about my fears, triumphs and goals.

In the last half of my life, we’ve worked through diagnosing both my daughters and my mother who was 60 at the time. Since then, I’ve addressed my own depression and anxiety too.

Back in 2008, I hosted an online radio show where we talked about our struggles as parents of kids with special needs. Over the years, I talked to many book authors and other parents who were inspired to create products that directly benefited their own kids and others too.


Out of my education and life experiences, I’ve developed several aspects of myself that I enjoy. Some of those are service based and some of those are product based. I do affiliate marketing, I build websites for coaches and small business owners, I help other parents learn how to make money from home, and I advocate for parental rights and the rights of their special needs children.

See more about Jenn at Jenn